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See at one time I was looking for online work, but instead found a bunch of scam artists just waiting to reel me in. I also met a few great people who saved me. Now I want to do the same for you. I want to help you have financial freedom and success from home. Without having to read tons empty promises, or scams.
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Pay Per Click Business Advertising

One of the most popular types of business advertising is pay per click. It is one way many use to get traffic to their site. The price you pay fot this type of advertising depends on the effectiveness of your key word and how many viwers they bring to your site.This article will discuss pay per click, how to set it up and how to detect fraudlant activity. By the end of my column you will be able to make an educated decesion on whether pay per click is right for you.
To get started using pay per click you first need to come up with key words ideas. Something that descibes your web site.You can do this by searching words on Google's adwords. All you have to do is type in a group of words and then click on get keyword ideas. This will bring up a group of words and how many times they have been searched in a month. The higher the numbers the better. Once you've found some keywords you then go to a pay per click search engine site, search the key words, and then bid on them.
First place is the best of course as long as you don't have to pay dearly to get it. Second and third are good but I wouldn't go lower than 6th place. After that you are just waisting money.
Let me give you an example of what I've just described. . Lets say I wanted to add online business as a pay per click word. when I search on that word I find the bids highest to lowest are $0.08 $0.07$0.06 $0.05$0.04 $0.03. That would mean I would have to bid $0.10 per click to be ranked first in the seach engines and $0.02  to be ranked seventh. 7th ranking isn't worth the trouble and ten cents for one word would soon break my budget.  So I would find other key that are as effective but won't be as costly. Once I've found good key word that are reasonably priced I will bid on it. Now every time some one searches for that word my website will pop up in the results.
Since I've told you about how to set up pay perclick I should warn you about click fraud, a problem that contines to worsen every day. What is click fraud? click fraud is when some one clicks on a site continusly with no intent on viewing or purchacing anything from the site. Usually the ones who commmit such an devieous act are competitiors and people are paid per each web site they visit.
Yahoo and  Google are looking for ways to stop this fraud. Many other search engines say they already have some security in place. Until there is a fool proof plan I will arm you with a few ways to protect yourself against fraud.
One way to safeguard your site against fraud is to monitor viewer statistics. Be suspicious of  an increase in views. especially if the views are coming from the same IP address. Utilizing hosting sites, and other online services to help you detect suspicous activity is another choice. Many of these sites can even provide you with necessary documents needed to press charges.
That my dear readers is the pay per click basics. I do hope I have helped you understand pay per click advertising, If you still have questions about this or other type of business advertising please don't hesitate to email me a buildingadreamtogether@gmail.com.
Thank you for reading my article. I hope to see you again next week, take care.

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