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I am so glad you choose my blog. I know it's not the most fancy of blogs, or best written
on the web but if you can overlook the mistakes I guarantee you will learn a lot about internet marketing.
See at one time I was looking for online work, but instead found a bunch of scam artists just waiting to reel me in. I also met a few great people who saved me. Now I want to do the same for you. I want to help you have financial freedom and success from home. Without having to read tons empty promises, or scams.
So if you are building your own business or are looking for a business my web site will help accomplish your goals.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Online Advertising

You have found a business that you want to promote but your not sure how. One way I've found to advertise my business is by placing ads  in the free online advertising.sites. I know some will tell you that this type of advertising will get absolutly nowhere. Although the outcome isn't as great as other types of advertising  they do get responses If you know the ad basics.

The Headline
It is the most important part of the ads..
It should grab the readers attention
It should be original
.The ads should contain strong keywords that has been highly searched You can do a keyword seach through google adwords. https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal#

The first Two sentences
The first 2 sentences  is the most important text in advertising. If your reader isn't interested they will move on. The sentences of the ad should  be strong.
It should  persuide the readers of the ads important, making them want to read more.

The Body
 Describe your business and what it has to offer.
 Tell the reader what is in it for them
Make them believe this is the best deal out there, once in a life time thing.
The advertisement should be original. If a reader has seen simular ads they will quickly loose interest.
The description should be accomplished in as few words as possible.
A lot of people uses bullets something that I've had great results with.

I will now show you two ad examples One I have has poor search results with and the other good results. I will then expalin why I believe this has happened.

Earn a  Income From Home
We have so many depending on us each day. So we often don't have a  moment to spare in our hectic life.
I can show you how I was able to work from home freeing up a lot of time.
There is no selling, inventory to stock, parties to give, or tring to convience your family and friends about great offers. Our system allows women to become one team with one dream!
Join a group of women who enjoy making an honest living from your home.
Visit our website at: http://www.buildingadreamtogether.com

 I haven't had a lot of  online advertising responses with this ad. The title isn't stong. The first two senteces don't jump out at you. If I were an average reader I would assume the rest would be just as boring and would stop at the first paragraph.

Online Business Opportunity  
Join thousands of individuals across the country earning great incomes from home, and enjoying time freedom, and flexible hours. Learn while you work, from a group of professional women who've succeeded from home with this internet business model for over 14 years.
Get unlimited access with:
FREE Training
FREE Resource Library
FREE Daily Classes
FREE Personal Website
FREE Personal Mentor
For more information:
GO TO OUR WEBSITE AT http://www.buildingadreamtogether.com

  I've a lot of advertising success with this ad. It has a strong headline. It tells about the company and whats in it for them. Lastly it has a link for them to click.
 I am sure you can see the big difference between the ads yourself and probably have a few other reasons why one works while the other flounders.
 That my dear readers is online advertising basics 101. Now you know the ad do's and don'ts  you too can write and publish succesful web ads.
Before you go I want to thank you for your time and say that  I hope you will come back and find out more SEO tips and tricks.
Take care all


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